School is back it is time to get your home maintenance DONE!

Parents of school aged children! Have the last 2 months been filled with overactive kids running dirt around the house or leaving arts and craft supplies everywhere?

Now that they’re back at school and your house has some peace and quiet again, is it time to update all the little things you’ve been putting off?

GND Property Maintenance Group is here to help with what seems like the never-ending list, including painting, electrical, plumbing, roofing and landscaping.

Let’s take a look at the perfect summer maintenance tips you should consider before the colder weather creeps in.


The dry weather is the perfect time to knock down your old patio and install a modern, new one! You will not be dodging the rain and you can get the job done in half the time!


Is it time to paint the house, paint the fence, paint indoors? During summer the colours will look brighter and the weather will dry the wet paint in no time!


Get your old garden ripped up and a new landscape ready to plant those lovely plants in spring time.


We definitely use these two in summer – most of the time. So, it is vital to maintain and look after your pool and air conditioner so you have many years of cool comfort. 


Has your water system started to play up? Maybe you have had lots of visitors of the summer holidays and the full flowing shower pressure is starting to become more like a slow drip!

Seasonal maintenance means you can enjoy your home all year round

Regular light work each season means you are always on top of the maintenance cycle in your home and you minimise the impact broken heating, cooling, water systems and general household problems can bring.

For all your maintenance help contact