Is your home bushfire-ready?

Summer is here and West Australians are on bushfire alert. 

Bushfires are a common occurrence in summertime and can be completely devastating. Last summer in WA there were more than half a dozen major  bushfires, including the Chittering/ Wooroloo bushfires in the City of Swan  which destroyed 86 homes and burned 10,500 hectares of land.  

While we all hope it will never happen to us, the fact is bushfires spread so  rapidly that if you are not prepared, you may lose everything. 

Authorities are encouraging everyone to consider the upcoming bushfire  season and take some important steps to ready their homes. 

Even if you don’t live in an area that is prone to summer bushfires, you just  never know when, and how far, a fire will spread. Taking the time now to  ensure your home is clear of dead and dry leaves, grass, and other debris  can make the difference between saving your home or losing it to a fire.  

Clear your gutters to avoid embers flaring up 

When a bushfire hits, remember that it’s not just the flames that pose a threat.  Embers from bushfires can travel in the wind and land many kilometres away  from the actual fire. These embers can easily flare up and start another fire if  they land somewhere with the right fuel.  

Embers will generally fall on the roof of a home or in the gutters, which is why  it is vitally important to have your gutters clean and free of dried leaves. Up to  85% of homes which burn down in bushfires are the result of embers flaring up  a new fire, and if the gutters are littered with leaves, it creates the perfect  environment for a fire to begin. 

Take the time now to thoroughly clean your roof and gutters so they are free  of dried leaves and twigs. 

Reduce the amount of fire fuel around your home 

Most suburban properties will have some fire-fuel laying around the home  and property. Overgrown trees, dried leaves in gardens, and dried weeds 

and grasses around the home can all be fuel for a fire if embers land on  them. 

Protecting your home from bushfires means giving the garden some  attention. Trim overgrown grass, cut back trees that are close to the house,  and remove leaf litter, dry tree branches and twigs that are laying around the  garden. 

Check your roof  

Something that you may not consider is that flying embers might not simply  land outside your home but could enter your roof space! 

Cracked tiles on the roof, unsecured tin roof sheeting, or any gaps around  the gutters and the eaves could result in embers falling through the roof and  into the cavity above the ceiling. This can lead to disaster as the fire will then  start in the ceiling and can then destroy the whole home. 

Have a roof specialist come and inspect your roof before bushfire season.  Seal any cracks or holes, replaces damaged tiles and gutters, and ensure  your roof is in good condition to withstand fire embers. 

Call in the experts 

Call in the experts from GND Property Maintenance to help prepare your  home for the summer bushfire season. Visit our website for a free estimate.